Have you seen a Lavender Pomeranian? If you have seen this color of dog, what do you think? Well, some of you may think that they are cute with this color, but some others may think that the other colors are more gorgeous than this.
Lavender Pomeranian Is The Rarest Color
If you see a greyish with a pinkish color of a pomeranian, chocolate hue to the coat, then it is a lavender pomeranian. This color is a rare pomeranian color. So, this color is a grey colored pom with the addition of a small tinge of light purple. Sometimes this lavender color is also called lilac. There is some debate about how to get this color on a pomeranian. However, it is thought to be a diluted blue.
Lavender pomeranian is an exotic color so that it is rare. You will see that they have a sheen to the coat which appears to be light purple.
Often, Lavender Pomeranians are the result of breeding two dilutes such as a blue and a beaver together. However, for now, this lavender color is not approved as an AKC Pomeranian breed standard.
The Price of Lavender Pomeranian
Generally, a pomeranian is sold for about $500 to $2,000. However, the price can vary depending on some factors and even for champion lines, they can be more expensive. Even according to My Dog’s Name, the price for a Pomeranian with top breed lines and superior pedigree can range from $3,000 to $10,000. Now, how about Lavender Pomeranian? Is this pomeranian expensive?
The price of the lavender pomeranian seems that in the range that we have mentioned above. It depends on the breed lines and also pedigree.
On the LaShomb’s Pomeranians website, the price for Lavender & Tan Pomeranian is $1,800 to $2,500. However, the price for Lavender Merle is $2,000 to $3,000. This is the price which is set by LaShomb’s Pomeranians website. Once again, the price in the other breeders may vary depending on some factors.
The List of Recognized Colors of Pomeranians
Until now, there are 13 varieties of pomeranian colors which are recognized by the American Kennel Club. However, Lavender is not one of them. Here is the list of the recognized colors of pomeranians.
- Red Pomeranian
This color appears in deep rusty red color and there is cream fur in the chest part. However, in most cases, some people are confused with red Poms and those with subtle orange fur.
- Orange Pomeranian
This is the most popular color of thirteen colors of pomeranian. If you want to find this color of pomeranian, it will be easy. When you find this pomeranian, you will see that they have some shades or orange which ranges from light to dark hues. Orange color of a pomeranian is a mix between orange and sable pomeranian. This orange dog gets the most genetic of the orange Pomeranian parent.
- Black Pomeranian
Black color of pomeranian comes in a solid color. It is produced from the E locus allele gene which can increase the black pigment. However, if you have this back dog and then you often expose them to sunlight, it may bleach their solid black fur. So, if you really like this black color of your pomeranian, you have to make sure to not expose your dog to sunlight often when you walk them.
- White Pomeranian
White Pomeranian is the cleanest color. There are no dark markings on their fur. Pomeranians who have this color lack dark melanin pigment. However, it does not mean that they do not have albino pom. If you have a pomeranian in a white color, you have to be careful because they may be easier to look dirty due to their bright and clean color.
- Wolf Sable Pomeranian
Usually, the fur of this pomeranian looks grey. This wolf sable is also known as Gray Sable. This wolf sable pomeranian is interesting because this dog has black-tipped guard hairs. You will be able to find the darkest colors in the face, back and chest. If you want to know whether your dog is a wolf sable is by conducting a color gene test.
- Merle Pomeranian
A merle pomeranian has the scattering of red pigment in a fur which is tan based. You will see the color of this dog in the same color as the Australian Cattle Dog. Usually, they have a blue or red merle pattern and their paws have pink shades.
- Blue Pomeranian
This color is a combination of silver grey and dark grey guard hairs with blue undercoats. This dog is bred from two solid colored parents which dilutes genes. Unfortunately, they tend to have some health issues such as color dilution alopecia.
- Chocolate Pomeranian
This pomeranian appears in a literal chocolate color which ranges from milk to dark chocolate. Usually, their nose and paw pads are in a silky brown color. Same as solid black coats, it is better for you not to expose them to the sun for a long time.
- Brindle Pomeranian
This dog appears to have markings of different colors such as orange, gold, red and black. The darkest parts usually include the paws, the ears, muzzle and back.
- Cream Pomeranian
This dog has a pale color like a honeycomb. Often, this type of color is born pure white. However, when the dog gets older, their fur becomes darker and turns into the cream hue.
- Beaver Pomeranian
This color used to be called biscuit because it appears in a pale brown color of a cookie. The coat color is similar to Blue Pomeranians and they are prone to Color Dilution Alopecia which can cause dry skin and hair loss.
- Tri-Colored Pomeranian
This dog appears in some patterns including tan, black and white. These colours are the least popular. They are able to be dark, white or a complete blend of all three colors. Their eyebrows are similar to the Black and Tan Pomeranian.
- Black and Tan Pomeranian
They have tanned chest and legs which are surrounded by black fur. So, they are considered to resemble a Rottweiler or a Doberman Pinscher. Black and Tan Pomeranians have coats which are black with a few drops of tan hue.