Ideal Room Temperature for Pomeranian

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In another article of this website, we have explained about Pomeranian which cannot live in a hot weather. Now, the question is, what is the ideal room temperature for Pomeranian? By knowing this information, you will be able to prevent your Pomeranian from overheating.

The Ideal Temperature for Pomeranian

If your Pomeranian is still a baby, then you need to put them carefully in an ideal temperature. The ideal temperature for a Pomeranian baby can be seen in the list below.

  • On day 1 to day 7, you are able to put them at 85 to 90 F or it is about 29.44 to 32.22 C.
  • On day 8 to day 14, you are able to put them at 80 to 85 F or it is about 26.67 to 29.44 C.
  • On day 15 to day 21, you are able to put them at 75 to 80 F or it is about 23.88 to 26.67 C.
  • On day 22 to day 28, you are able to put them at 70 to 75 F or it is about 21.11 to 23.88 C.

Ideal Room Temperature for Pomeranian
When they grow to be an adult Pomeranian, you have to make sure that they do not suffer from hypothermia or overheating. It is important for you to know that Pomeranian cannot live in a hot weather. If so, they may be able to suffer from overheating. So, it is important for you to make Pomeranian cool. After this we have some explanation about how to keep your Pomeranian cool.

However, if you want to know how long they can be outside in cold weather before they suffer from hypothermia, it depends on the temperature and depends on protection that the Poms have. If the coat of your Pomeranian wet, it will develop to hypothermia faster. Even if you often let your Pomeranian to be outside in any long period of time in any temperature which is lower than body temperature, it can cause hypothermia.

For dogs, hypothermia is a body temperature of 98 F (38 C) because the normal body temperature is 101 to 102.5 F. In winter, if you find that your Pomeranian is wet from stepping into a puddle or maybe for some reasons, they can suffer from hypothermia in as little as 15 minutes. If your Pomeranian was playing in the snow and then you find that the coat is wet, depending on the temperature, they can be in trouble after 20 to 30 minutes. If their coat is dry and the temperature is above freezing (32 F) but below 40 F, they can be outside for about 1 hour. They can be okay for up to 2 hours as long as they are active and hydrated.

If the coat of your Pomeranian is dry and the temperature is below freezing (below 32 F), and then you find that your Pomeranian actively moves, they can be outside safely for 30 to 40 minutes. If you give them protection by wearing them winter coat or other warm clothing, it may be able to extend 60 minutes.

If the temperature is extremely cold about 10 F or even less, you only can let your Pomeranian outside under 10  minutes.

Several Signs When Pomeranians Suffer From Overheating

If your Pomeranian suffers from overheating, they will show some signs. Here are the signs that your Pomeranian suffers from overheating.

  • When they are overheating, you will find that they pant very hard.
  • You will see that they are confused and they are moving sluggishly.
  • You are able to check their tongue and gums. If their tongue and gums are bright red, it means that they are overheating.
  • They will look weak and uncoordinated.
  • You will see that they are drooling excessively.

Some Efforts to Make Pomeranians Keep Cool

When the weather is hot, it will make your pomeranians suffer from overheating. To avoid this thing, there are some efforts that you are able to do to make them cool. What are they? You are able to check the efforts below.

  • Give your Pomeranian some frozen treats. You may agree that almost all people like eating something cool such as ice cream. Dogs may also like it. You are able to put watermelons and yogurt in the freezer. After they are cool, then you are able to give them to your Pomeranian. By giving this cool food, it will manage the heat and keep your Pom cool and happy.
  • Try to cover your Pomeranian with a wet towel. If you cover your Pomeranian with a wet towel, it will transfer the heat of the Pom’s body to the towel.
  • You are able to turn on your fan at home and you can make it work at full speed. By doing it, you let the breeze cool your Pomeranian and even it can make your Pomeranian sleep.
  • Cooling vests and cooling mats can be applied for your Pomeranian. You are able to buy cooling mats in a pet store. At first, you can put the mats in the fridge. Then, you are able to take it when your dog needs it to lie. Note that there are some mats which have the ability to regulate its temperature by the touch of a button.
  • Make sure that you have to keep your Pomeranian hydrated. When the weather is hot, a Pomeranian will pant more. They do it to help cool off. In each breath of them, the moisture is lost. So, if they are not given access to cool, fresh and clean water, it can make your Pomeranian become dehydrated. So, you have to provide water for your Pomeranian. If your Pomeranian likes to play around in your backyard, you can put a water bowl there. If you bring your Pomeranian to walk, to ride or anywhere away from the house, it is important for you to bring water. You can use something like the Lesotc Foldable Water Bottle for Dogs which features a fold-over food-grade silicon lid where it will serve as the bowl.

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